If it's useful for you, it's useful for someone else
Operating System
- GNU/Linux Debian - etch, lenny, sid - current OS
- Redhat Linux 6.0-9.0, Fedora 1-5 - old OS
- Ubuntu - current OS
- Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows and DOS
Servers Software
- Apache2 - install, configure, SSL certificate, rewriting, trac/svn module, virtual host.
- MySQL - install, configure, query optimization, backup, replication
- PostgreSQL - install, configure, upgrade.
- Postfix
Programming Language
- PHP - from PHP3 to PHP5
- Javascript - in HTML document, XUL document. Learning jQuery and Node.js in progress.
- VBScript, JScript, ASP, Perl, Python, Java, C++ - basic knowledge
- CSS - from CSS 1 to 3
- OOP, prototype and procedural programming.
Document Formats
- XHTML - 1.0 and 1.1
- HTML - 3.2 to 4.01 and HTML5
- XUL - XML document in Firefox.
- XBL - XML component with XUL/CSS/Javascript
- XSL - XML transformation
- RSS - News Format
- MathML - Math Formula
- SVG - Vectorial Drawing
- PNG - Image
- JPG - Picture
Development tools
- vim
- gedit
- trac
- git, svn, cvs
Backup and utility
- cron
- tar
- mysqldump
- logrotate
- ssh, vnc, rsync, csync2
- KDE3
- iceweasel
- icedove
- xulrunner
- xchat
- pidgin
- Inkscape
- audacity
- ardour